Post-friends and family VC raise, ~$1MM, involving the development of documentation, modeling and negotiation.
Systems integration company recap and VC raise of $5MM on a pre-money $25MM. Continuing advisory role.
Fortune 500 industrial recovering from a “black box” derivatives debacle requested comprehensive risk and competitor analysis leading to recommendations on leverage, risk management and the use of structured products.
Key Takeaway: Grasp the moment, work hard.
Long term NOL carry forwards prevented efficient use of tax credits. Private LP sructure developed to arbitrage the credits to an investor with tax capacity, ensuring tax compliance with risks and benefits while creating bond-like risk. This lead to material cash tax savings in two transactions totaling ~ $230MM.
Key Takeaway: If you ask the tough question be prepared to do the hard work in finding a viable solution
Medium term AMT outlook meant the depreciation shield from the consumer lease portfolio could not be efficiently utilized. Sales-tax efficient ownership transfer of leases achieved while allowing the tax equity to accelerate the tax shield value. This private transaction lead to ~75bp savings over typical bond spreads in the first, $200MM issue.
Key Takeaway: Know the client’s business, tax position and appetite for creative solutions. Then deliver.
Strategic advisory to a paradigm-shifting, New England greenhouse start-up.
Key Takeaway: There is nothing new under the sun but good entrepreneurs can find profitable ways to deploy well-proven ideas.
See the future of agriculture:
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